The Saint Barth Film Festival “Cinéma Caraïbes” is back after a two-year absence due to the Covid pandemic. On May 4-7, 2022, the festival will celebrate its 25th anniversary, which did not take place as planned in 2020, or again in 2021.
Four feature-length films are on the program for the 25th St Barth Film Festival, including two documentaries. The first two films will be shown on May 4 and 5 at AJOE in Lorient, while the films on May 6 and 7 will be shown on the dock in Gustavia, pending approval from the Collectivity.
See you soon!
The St Barth Film Festival

Mercredi 1 mai, 20h
Wednesday, May 1, 8pm
AJOE (Lorient)
Soirée d’ouverture
Jean-Baptiste Belley
Classe de quatrième D du Collège Mireille Choisy, accompagné par Dider Solé & Alexandre Pelizzari
(2024 / court-métrage, 9:16 / En français)
La Révolution française bouleverse l’ensemble des Antilles. Le destin d’un homme, celui de Jean-Baptiste Belley va changer à jamais. Il devient le premier député français noir et il joue un rôle important dans la première abolition de l’esclavage. Devenu une figure emblématique pour l’émancipation des esclaves, son combat n’est pas sans obstacles…
Eighth grade class at Collège Mireille Choisy, accompanied by Dider Solé & Alexandre Pelizzari
(2024 / short film, 9:16 / In French)
The French Revolution completely transformed the French West Indies. The destiny of one man, that of Jean-Baptiste Belley, would change forever. He became the first black French deputy and would play and important role in the first abolition of slavery. He became an emblematic figure for the emancipation of slaves, but his struggles were not without obstacles…